Saturday, May 29, 2010

Saturday, May 29: Visiting!

This morning, my fiance and I headed to Souris for the weekend. It was gloriously sunny outside, and we always feel like days like today are wasted when you have a North facing apartment with no lawn. We arrived in Souris and I promptly picked up where I left off last Sunday with my on again, off again relationship with the yellow lawn chair. The wind was cool, but it was still beautiful. I continued to read Anne of Green Gables and just relax.

Today's tide was going to be low enough for seaglassing at around 3, so I headed up to my Aunt Cathy's house in East Point. We'd made a date to go seaglassing in her favorite spot on the phone yesterday, but of course forgot to factor in that we had not seen each other in some time and would of course require approximately 1.5 hours of catch-up conversation. This left no time for seaglassing. I wasn't disappointed; there are few things I enjoy more in life than comfortable furniture and comfortable conversation, and yes, that includes seaglassing.

Plus, we rescheduled for tomorrow anyways.

On the way home I stopped in to see my grandparents. Those two never cease to amaze me. My grandfather turned 85 this year and loved the Talking Carl app on my iPhone. My grandmother wouldn't ever tell her age ("real ladies don't tell their age, Marsha"), but she's got more of a social life than I do. They're a couple that I look up to, and look forward to turning into with my fiance.

Then I went back to my fiance's parent's house and stuffed my face full of barbeque.

I decided to drop by to see my aunt Donna, who was on her third rally at trying to get a wicker patio set together. I jumped in to help, and subsequently proved that sometimes, two brains aren't really any better than one. Let's just say that the patio set remains in pieces, and the term "some assembly required" can apparently be used very loosely.

Wedding stuff was decided! Wait, wrong blog, check out the other one if you're actually interested, link's to your left.

Photo of the day: Glorious sunlight and 2 redheads.

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