Saturday, June 19, 2010

Saturday, June 19: I rang the bell.

Today, I bought a wedding dress.

Chrissy, Stephanie and I met Doreen at Wood Islands to catch the first ferry of the day "over across't". We got to Halifax shortly after 9 and immediately went to the first and most important stop on our wedding tour: Winchester's.

Before I continue, let it be known that I did not expect to like a dress. He'll, I didn't expect to find a lace dress that fit me. But I found it. You know, IT. "the" dress that everyone talks about finding. I've had on dresses I really liked in the past, but nothing like this. I won't lie and say the clouds opened up and a beam of light was cast upon thy dress while a heavenly chorus sang. It was somewhat more ordinary than that.

I saw it on the wall, saw that it would fit, and tried it on. Like a glove. I left knowing that it wouldn't be the last time I saw it. All day long it clung to my thoughts. The way it poofed when I spun in a circle. The way it hid my imperfections. The perfect mix of old and new.

I went back and bought it, and got to ring the bell at Winchesters. I have pictures of me in the dress, but that's not for the public eye. Instead, you must be satisfied with my sister in a veil, myself as the dude outside of freak lunchbox, and my celebratory piƱa colada (I'll stick to beer from now on):

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